synercom/edi specializes in the development, implementation and support of “real-world” Internet solutions. We are not “web-site” designers, but rather an applications-programming firm that works with media and design firms to create dynamic, data-driven web-sites.

We are a small, nimble firm and use agile software development methodologies to rapidly develop world-class software applications using contemporary tools and frameworks. We have experience in many sectors including scientific, enterprise, SMB’s and entertainment.

Our founder, Arne Hermann, has been programming since the ’70’s and started building his first computer as a child in 1974. He has worked with major IT consulting firms, environmental groups, small-businesses and more.

synercom/edi also develops and markets a number of vertical-market applications including the leading Box-Office Management and Ticketing System – tix/SYS – The Box Office Solution.

For many of our clients, we provide high-performance, high-availability web and database-hosting with unmatched technical support.